17.09.2019, 07:55:37
World of Players
Cytat:Ok, I made it. Somehow. Thanks to marvin (sorry, but I lost patience in the end).
Time for some feedback.
First: thanks to all contributors. Looks like an awful amount of time was spent to create this mod. And thanks to Lord Sargon for his translation (without that one playing the mod would have been impossible for me).
What I liked:
Basically every Character had some backround information to tell or references back to Gothic1. Man, who wrote all those texts??!
Small thing, but finally a mod that provides this information to the player: the weapon range. This is very valuable for a close-combat character. This information I always wanted to have in-game.
Ancient valley (except teleporter system) and Hunter guild was really well done.
What I didn't like:
This mod I will remember as the mod of endless walking and endless searching for characters and items.
The searching for characters and items is up to a certain degree caused by the google translation. If a character is referred to as 'Fingers', or the corresponding polish name, and in the game displayed as 'holder', confusion is granted.
The endless walking on the other side is caused by the design of the mod. Acrobatics was removed, so walking from A to B takes signifficantly longer, and teleporting system in the ancient valley did not support to shorten the main routes (e.g. no teleport to the exit from the ancient valley to Khorinis, also no teleport in Khorins to get to the entrance of the ancient valley). Just imagine you are somewhere outside ancestor's valley and want to check if Barthos has to say something new after he moved into the basement of the second tower...
Too many open quests in the questlog. I tried to close them out as quickly as possible, but as quests were going across worlds and chapters this was nearly impossible.
As quests did span over chapters, it became totally unclear whether a quest was blocked due to the chapter, or because I did not yet find the right solution in order to proceed. In the end a couple of quests remained open because I waited too long (by moving Xardas to different worlds and not bringing him back to Khorinis he becomes unavailable already in chapter 4), and I might have missed some subsequent quests.
Balancing/skill system:
You cannot learn everything, and that is good (you reach about 10 levels less than in the original game, plus higher LP costs for skills, and lower amount of skills via stone plates).
But I did almost run into a quest-blocker due to the LP cost increase for the builder's language. To reserve 60 LPs early in the game (in fact before entering the mining valley) is quite challenging. Now that I played through and know how to gain hundreds of STR and DEX points wihtout using LPs (don't know if this was intended, but it's only a matter of money and patience) this would not be much of an issue for a second run. But back in chapter two I did not know yet and I almost spent too many LPs in STR and 1H fighting when I realized that I need these 30 LPs for the 3rd level in order to proceed with the story.
„Primus in orbe deos fecit timor..."