Wrzucę sobie skróty do stref muzycznych w Spacerze. Może kiedyś się to jeszcze przyda.
ADT - Adanos temple in Jharkendar,
ADW - addon world default music,
AWC - addon world crystal... same as ADW placed in crystal cave in Jharkendar, passage between canyon and swamp
BAN - bandits music played in cave where you go with Cavalorn at the beginning,
BDT - bandit camp in Jharkendar,
BIB - canyon library in Jharkendar, placed in zen but the same as some others.
BOR - brothel in khorinis placed in zen
CAN - canyon in Jharkendar
CRY - crypt music in Jharkendar,
FRI - friedhof/cemeteries.
DEF - default world music in Khorinis nature,
DLC - dragon location dragons nests
GOL- goldmine in jharkendar
HOF - onar farm, placed/unused
INS - Insel/Island Irdorath music
KAS - Kaserne/barracks in khorinis
KHO - Khorinis city music,
LEU - Leuchturm/lighthouse in khorinis Jack's.
LOB - Lobart's farm
MAY - pyramide area in Khorinis Maya
MI1 - canyon mine on the right side (Francis treasure)
MI2 - canyon mine far in the canyon
MOD - monastery dungeon in Khorinis
MOI - monastery inside
MOO - monastery outside before monastery ex. Isgaroth
NCI - new camp inside cave
NCO - new camp outside cave
NWP - New world portal music in dungeon where water mages are.
OWD - old world default music
OWP - old world path/passage/pass music in Khorinis to Valley of Mines
PIE - Geheimer Pier Paladin ship in Khorinis
PIR - pirate music in their camp in Jharkendar
PO1 - portal area in Jharkendar
RAV - Raven music in entrance to Adanos temple behind guard
RVE - Raven event room where undead guards are. Addon intro summoning scene was recorded here.
SHO - showdown, final room with Raven in Jharkendar in Adanos temple
SWP - swamp in Jharkendar
SYS - menu and loading music
TAL - valley music ex. Valley where Lester sits near campfire under Xardas' tower in Khorinis newworld
TMP - temple music placed in Irdorath in final chamber with big door with black mage and seekers before undead dragon
TRO - Troll area with black troll in Khorinis.
XAR - Xardas' tower.
STO - Stoneplate. House of the healers, priests, guardians of death in Jharkendar
Skopiowane od użytkownika NesteF.
ADT - Adanos temple in Jharkendar,
ADW - addon world default music,
AWC - addon world crystal... same as ADW placed in crystal cave in Jharkendar, passage between canyon and swamp
BAN - bandits music played in cave where you go with Cavalorn at the beginning,
BDT - bandit camp in Jharkendar,
BIB - canyon library in Jharkendar, placed in zen but the same as some others.
BOR - brothel in khorinis placed in zen
CAN - canyon in Jharkendar
CRY - crypt music in Jharkendar,
FRI - friedhof/cemeteries.
DEF - default world music in Khorinis nature,
DLC - dragon location dragons nests
GOL- goldmine in jharkendar
HOF - onar farm, placed/unused
INS - Insel/Island Irdorath music
KAS - Kaserne/barracks in khorinis
KHO - Khorinis city music,
LEU - Leuchturm/lighthouse in khorinis Jack's.
LOB - Lobart's farm
MAY - pyramide area in Khorinis Maya
MI1 - canyon mine on the right side (Francis treasure)
MI2 - canyon mine far in the canyon
MOD - monastery dungeon in Khorinis
MOI - monastery inside
MOO - monastery outside before monastery ex. Isgaroth
NCI - new camp inside cave
NCO - new camp outside cave
NWP - New world portal music in dungeon where water mages are.
OWD - old world default music
OWP - old world path/passage/pass music in Khorinis to Valley of Mines
PIE - Geheimer Pier Paladin ship in Khorinis
PIR - pirate music in their camp in Jharkendar
PO1 - portal area in Jharkendar
RAV - Raven music in entrance to Adanos temple behind guard
RVE - Raven event room where undead guards are. Addon intro summoning scene was recorded here.
SHO - showdown, final room with Raven in Jharkendar in Adanos temple
SWP - swamp in Jharkendar
SYS - menu and loading music
TAL - valley music ex. Valley where Lester sits near campfire under Xardas' tower in Khorinis newworld
TMP - temple music placed in Irdorath in final chamber with big door with black mage and seekers before undead dragon
TRO - Troll area with black troll in Khorinis.
XAR - Xardas' tower.
STO - Stoneplate. House of the healers, priests, guardians of death in Jharkendar
Skopiowane od użytkownika NesteF.