14.05.2020, 08:17:39
Drużyna Spolszczenia
Gothic - modyfikacje
Gothic - programy/texture-pack
Narzędzia, skrypty, problemy techniczne
Narzędzia, skrypty, problemy techniczne
Narzędzia, skrypty, problemy techniczne
14.05.2020, 08:33:50
O właśnie o to mi chodziło Dziekuje bardzo
Mam taki problem na nowym komputerze. Nie odtwarzają mi się żadne filmy. Wcześniej jak się nie włączały, to zmieniałem scaleVideos=1 na 0 i mniejsze, ale jakoś działały. Teraz, co bym w tym scaleVideos nie ustawił, to filmów i tak nie ma obrazu. Wgrałem na próbę DX11 i filmy się odtwarzają mniej więcej w takiej proporcji: https://imgur.com/1NTAWI7 czyli chodzą, ale są bardzo małe. Z Directem również zmiany ustawień scaleVideos nic nie zmieniają. Ktoś miał podobny problem i jakoś mu zaradził?
02.05.2021, 18:15:34
Mam przy tym parametrze True/False.
Zmieniłem na odwrót, ale nic to nie dało. Zawziąłem się poświęcając kilkadziesiąt minut na sprawdzanie różnych opcji i połowicznie rozwiązałem problem tzn. już filmy normalnie mi się odtwarzają na pełnym ekranie bez wgranego DX11. Problemem było oprogramowanie do karty graficznej Radeona. Trzeba było najpierw dodać plik Gothic2.exe do puli gier w tym programie ( sama z siebie aplikacja nie uznawała Gothic'a 2 za grę ) i potem w ustawieniach gry w tym programie wyłączyć opcję Radeon Image Sharpening.
03.05.2021, 19:19:31
Ciekawe, może napiszę tę uwagę u nas w temacie technicznym. Mamy głównie rozwiązania problemów dla zielonych kart graficznych, ponieważ czerwonych jest niewiele.
Jak chcesz możesz napisać.
Trzeba wyłączyć opcję, którą zaznaczyłem żółtą ramką: https://imgur.com/qtYoc72 Najlepiej tylko dla Gothica, żeby sobie tego nie zmieniać w innych grach, dlatego dodałem w opcji "Gaming" G2. Oryginalne foto pochodzi ze strony AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/technologies/radeon-software
11.05.2021, 11:26:55
Możesz napisać więcej? Pełna wersja systemu operacyjnego, karta graficzna, wersja sterownika i oprogramowania radeon, procesor, Gotyk (GOG / steam / dysk)
Co zostało ustawione w samym gotyku? Łatki i inne.
11.05.2021, 13:07:32
System - Windows 10 Home wersja 20H2
Karta Graficzna - AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT Procesor - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core 4.30 GHz Wersja oprogramowania Radeon Software - 21.3.1 z 10.03.2021r. Sterownik karty graficznej - 27.20.15003.1004 z 10.03.2021r. Gothic 2 Noc Kruka wersja z płyty Łatki - Union j, Union k Plugin Union do liczbowego pokazywania poziomu życia i many. Ustawienia samej gry były raczej standardowe.
05.01.2022, 21:39:17
Ostatnio zauważyłem taką rzecz, a mianowicie - nie działają mi paski ustawień: jasność, kontrast, gamma w menu.
Mogę sobie nimi kręcić, przesuwać i nic to nie daje. Pomyślałem, że może gra jest ustawiona żeby się odpalała w oknie bez ramki, ale nie. A, że lubię grzebać w takich rzeczach, to zacząłem zgłębiać temat i poinstalowałem Gothic'a na każdym komputerze jaki mam. I wyszło na to, że dzieje się tak na Windowsie 10, na "siódemce" jest dobrze. Nie sprawdzałem zależności od wersji systempack'a, czy Union'a i problem nie dotyczy Dx 11, bo tam suwaki pod F11 działają, tylko zwykłego Direct'a. Pierwsze rozwiązanie jakie mi przyszło do głowy - ustawić sobie żądane parametry bezpośrednio na monitorze, a potem wrócić do ustawień standardowych, ale jakoś mnie to rozwiązanie nie satysfakcjonuje. Drugi sposób, to użycie fix'a "Gothic and Gothic II fullscreen fixes", który rozwiązuje problem, ale nie wiem, czy nie "gryzie się " on z pozostałymi patchami. Pewnie jakbym miał na każdym komputerze kartę graficzną dedykowaną, to gdzieś w oprogramowaniu do niej, znalazłbym jakieś ustawienia za to odpowiedzialne, ale mam też karty zintegrowane, a tam menu ustawień jest bardzo ubogie. Czy ktoś zetknął się z takim problemem i ma jeszcze jakieś inne rozwiązanie?
Sprawdzałem kiedyś tę wtyczkę, ale nie odpowiadał mi poziom jasności inwentarza. Przejrzałem teraz temat pluginu i widzę, że sporo się zmienił od tamtego czasu, więc na pewno mu się przyjrzę. Dzięki za podpowiedź.
Przejrzałem. Fajnie, że teraz można ją sobie konfigurować i to z poziomu menu gry, ale zaczęły mi się pojawiać błędy podczas wczytywania zapisów. Czy to przez plugin, to do końca pewny nie jestem, ale jak ją wyłączam, to nic się złego nie dzieje. Kody błędów:
//======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== Gothic2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Gothic2.exe at 0023:0079249D, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) EAX=2CF70FFD EBX=00000000 ECX=00AB4118 EDX=1BCD04CA ESI=00AB4118 EDI=00AB4108 EBP=00AB40C0 ESP=0135F2CC EIP=0079249D FLG=00010202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B //===================== INFOS ========================= Gothic II - 2.6 (fix), Parser Version: 50 User: Lenovo, CPUType: 586, Mem: 0 MB total, 0 MB free //====================== CALLSTACK ======================== 0023:0079249D (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) 0023:00792504 (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00001593 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0000447A 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00004785 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00012707 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013AED 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013BCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013DCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0001450F 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00021823 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0002370B 0x1F4D4624 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00023A96 0x00009602 0x0082E6F0 0x089E7DF8) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792CBF (0x00AB40C0 0x00009602 0x008316D4 0x1EED9FF8) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1551 0023:006C20BF (0x00000000 0x0000000E 0x0135F9D0 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::CallScriptInit()+351 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 886 0023:006C6D9F (0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000001 0x0082E6F0 0x0135FBE4) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::LoadSavegame()+1487 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 2274 0023:723076AD (0x00000000 0x006C1C5E 0x08186A08 0x0042A282) SHW32.DLL, UnionCore::CUnion::DefineCRTVersion()+3949 byte(s) 0023:007E8E48 (0x0044FFF0 0x00423E50 0x00423F90 0x00450000) Gothic2.exe, SetFileAttributesA()+21124 byte(s) 0023:00424010 (0x005ABDD0 0x0076FB80 0x005ABB30 0x0076FBE0) Gothic2.exe, oCGameInfo::Init, P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_bert\oGameInfo.cpp, line 67 0023:005AB940 (0x005ABDD0 0x005ABE30 0x005ABB30 0x00426C90) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 0023:005AB940 (0x004DB910 0x723082D0 0x004DCCD0 0x004DC1C0) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 //===================================================== //===================== MODULES ======================= Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times: C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\Gothic2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 9038140 bytes - 3f966d87 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:12 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x01430000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\igdumd32.dll, loaded at 0x115c0000 - 11330576 bytes - 573dfb43 - file date is 3/9/2017 00:17:08 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:38 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msadp32.acm, loaded at 0x70610000 - 30128 bytes - 31b36bde - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmband.dll, loaded at 0x70620000 - 33792 bytes - 42348e31 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmstyle.dll, loaded at 0x70630000 - 117760 bytes - b0e20d43 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x70660000 - 25600 bytes - 57fa923e - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x70670000 - 1634208 bytes - bd2819db - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 468440 bytes - bcc151da - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll, loaded at 0x70880000 - 998352 bytes - 05b3f1f6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll, loaded at 0x70980000 - 52664 bytes - e00ed7ef - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\System32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x70990000 - 112640 bytes - c3bedcd4 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL, loaded at 0x709c0000 - 1258256 bytes - d7331e61 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x70b00000 - 215040 bytes - 779f8449 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, loaded at 0x70b40000 - 166304 bytes - 38335cb6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MMDevAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x70b70000 - 421496 bytes - 6d4d3f93 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x70be0000 - 74240 bytes - fcbd73d6 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x70c00000 - 198656 bytes - de358430 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70c40000 - 268080 bytes - 945c5d9a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x70c90000 - 493056 bytes - 59a065c9 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x70d10000 - 109056 bytes - 938e0203 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement.dll, loaded at 0x70d30000 - 186880 bytes - 133d8e5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll, loaded at 0x70d70000 - 594464 bytes - 655a8962 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZUNIONUTILS.DLL, loaded at 0x718b0000 - 132096 bytes - 617d9a12 - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, loaded at 0x718e0000 - 171008 bytes - 53cafabe - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZMOUSEFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x71920000 - 119808 bytes - 617d99e7 - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:32 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBINKFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x71950000 - 1924608 bytes - 61617e28 - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:32 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZPARSEREXTENDER.DLL, loaded at 0x71b30000 - 828416 bytes - 61b50024 - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, loaded at 0x71c00000 - 791808 bytes - 1af491e8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\inputhost.dll, loaded at 0x71cd0000 - 967912 bytes - 6e8580b5 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ASMCL.DLL, loaded at 0x71dc0000 - 422400 bytes - 6165f490 - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x71e30000 - 388096 bytes - 7b06e18d - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x71ea0000 - 787120 bytes - d7832f27 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x71f70000 - 1625376 bytes - 8056a5dd - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP100.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 422040 bytes - 580f7bf5 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll, loaded at 0x72170000 - 774808 bytes - 580f7bc6 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\Vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 457216 bytes - 6179ab06 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\SHW32.DLL, loaded at 0x722b0000 - 4364800 bytes - 61785216 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x726e0000 - 2269976 bytes - a2866597 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:22 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x72940000 - 18944 bytes - 7e95d989 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBRIGHTLIGHT.DLL, loaded at 0x72950000 - 115200 bytes - 61d48b9b - file date is 1/6/2022 09:50:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x72970000 - 527360 bytes - 2f5ae381 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, loaded at 0x72a60000 - 1678848 bytes - c40b400f - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\netutils.dll, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 37176 bytes - 39327589 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 135680 bytes - c38b8152 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.19041.1110_none_c0da534e38c01f4d\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x72ce0000 - 568144 bytes - 00158daf - file date is 10/5/2021 19:22:36 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72d70000 - 449024 bytes - d3b1a20d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AcGenral.DLL, loaded at 0x72df0000 - 2403328 bytes - 5e85197e - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll, loaded at 0x73050000 - 896088 bytes - 6ddd8ff0 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll, loaded at 0x73130000 - 2621720 bytes - ff733337 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll, loaded at 0x73810000 - 152904 bytes - 19d7165a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll, loaded at 0x73950000 - 76952 bytes - b631a97f - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll, loaded at 0x73970000 - 639488 bytes - 1a613b1c - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 23552 bytes - b935ad72 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, loaded at 0x73ab0000 - 27336 bytes - b1fdd583 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll, loaded at 0x73ac0000 - 110720 bytes - b79490f5 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll, loaded at 0x73ae0000 - 93488 bytes - a89ab7d9 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x73b00000 - 138936 bytes - f75275e2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x73b60000 - 1494016 bytes - 12e622bc - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x73cf0000 - 149272 bytes - 2fa5fc7b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll, loaded at 0x73f30000 - 6374608 bytes - 3719a292 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:08 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x74570000 - 27320 bytes - a88950a6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll, loaded at 0x745a0000 - 47472 bytes - fdb58e8b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\System32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x745c0000 - 20328 bytes - 17a297aa - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x745e0000 - 41472 bytes - 2797994e - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x745f0000 - 16384 bytes - 4e127638 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ColorAdapterClient.dll, loaded at 0x74600000 - 45904 bytes - bf27e0fb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll, loaded at 0x74610000 - 630592 bytes - 47a87b76 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x746b0000 - 50616 bytes - 762196ad - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 455168 bytes - a678d594 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x748a0000 - 11776 bytes - 70504b8d - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x748b0000 - 93472 bytes - 2796f4d0 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\samcli.dll, loaded at 0x748d0000 - 70144 bytes - f8b274dc - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll, loaded at 0x748f0000 - 753568 bytes - d3579af1 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\TextShaping.dll, loaded at 0x749b0000 - 611960 bytes - 88344ed8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll, loaded at 0x74b20000 - 146648 bytes - d5cc7b11 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\x86\aswhook.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 62032 bytes - 61b0b367 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:36:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll, loaded at 0x74bf0000 - 123480 bytes - 71920c11 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x74ca0000 - 52672 bytes - 3d49eb55 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:22 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, loaded at 0x74cf0000 - 141008 bytes - c7a6e70a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x74d30000 - 861480 bytes - 5eacc70c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x74e90000 - 96032 bytes - 90303bd4 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x74eb0000 - 489656 bytes - 53524f65 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, loaded at 0x74fd0000 - 2181712 bytes - 2791d798 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:00 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x751f0000 - 475688 bytes - dacc03c0 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, loaded at 0x75320000 - 547480 bytes - 8bc7ef47 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, loaded at 0x753b0000 - 1181208 bytes - 82dc99a2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x754d0000 - 606888 bytes - fc8f0d5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x75570000 - 289200 bytes - 1ded95e6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x755c0000 - 1013344 bytes - a1fbb410 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x756c0000 - 140976 bytes - 5a9c433e - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x756f0000 - 397728 bytes - f9ac0921 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75760000 - 926560 bytes - 5328ad2f - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75850000 - 236536 bytes - 9e900b8d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x758a0000 - 775256 bytes - 7f567a50 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, loaded at 0x75960000 - 640824 bytes - 56b90d14 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:10 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, loaded at 0x75a50000 - 495840 bytes - fd524452 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x75c40000 - 275808 bytes - 4e6046ea - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x75c90000 - 6013088 bytes - 971ed36c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x76250000 - 1695128 bytes - 9ff71609 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, loaded at 0x763f0000 - 2637712 bytes - f1a7c19a - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, loaded at 0x76680000 - 383264 bytes - 9dd613f6 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:54:58 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x766e0000 - 781432 bytes - f4e07a96 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x767a0000 - 504552 bytes - 93379433 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76820000 - 143056 bytes - 39046a45 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x768b0000 - 4466160 bytes - 3015a530 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, loaded at 0x76cf0000 - 901792 bytes - c40e0e31 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, loaded at 0x76e30000 - 92944 bytes - 55cf9768 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76e50000 - 17016 bytes - fac4c2cb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x76e70000 - 1696752 bytes - 027db076 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 //===================================================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== Gothic2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Gothic2.exe at 0023:0079249D, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) EAX=2B84AFFD EBX=00000000 ECX=00AB4118 EDX=1BCCA4CA ESI=00AB4118 EDI=00AB4108 EBP=00AB40C0 ESP=0135F2CC EIP=0079249D FLG=00010202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B //===================== INFOS ========================= Gothic II - 2.6 (fix), Parser Version: 50 User: Lenovo, CPUType: 586, Mem: 0 MB total, 0 MB free //====================== CALLSTACK ======================== 0023:0079249D (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) 0023:00792504 (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00001593 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0000447A 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00004785 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00012707 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013AED 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013BCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013DCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0001450F 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00021823 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0002370B 0x1F516624 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00023A96 0x00009602 0x0082E6F0 0x08AC0738) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792CBF (0x00AB40C0 0x00009602 0x008316D4 0x2ADD2BE8) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1551 0023:006C20BF (0x00000000 0x00000010 0x0135F9D0 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::CallScriptInit()+351 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 886 0023:006C6D9F (0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000001 0x0082E6F0 0x0135FBE4) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::LoadSavegame()+1487 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 2274 0023:723076AD (0x00000000 0x006C1C5E 0x08B3C2E8 0x0042A282) SHW32.DLL, UnionCore::CUnion::DefineCRTVersion()+3949 byte(s) 0023:007E8E48 (0x0044FFF0 0x00423E50 0x00423F90 0x00450000) Gothic2.exe, SetFileAttributesA()+21124 byte(s) 0023:00424010 (0x005ABDD0 0x0076FB80 0x005ABB30 0x0076FBE0) Gothic2.exe, oCGameInfo::Init, P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_bert\oGameInfo.cpp, line 67 0023:005AB940 (0x005ABDD0 0x005ABE30 0x005ABB30 0x00426C90) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 0023:005AB940 (0x004DB910 0x723082D0 0x004DCCD0 0x004DC1C0) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 //===================================================== //===================== MODULES ======================= Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times: C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x00160000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\Gothic2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 9038140 bytes - 3f966d87 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\igdumd32.dll, loaded at 0x11640000 - 11330576 bytes - 573dfb43 - file date is 3/9/2017 00:17:08 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:38 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\Windows\System32\dmband.dll, loaded at 0x70620000 - 33792 bytes - 42348e31 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmstyle.dll, loaded at 0x70630000 - 117760 bytes - b0e20d43 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x70660000 - 25600 bytes - 57fa923e - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x70670000 - 1634208 bytes - bd2819db - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 468440 bytes - bcc151da - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll, loaded at 0x70880000 - 998352 bytes - 05b3f1f6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll, loaded at 0x70980000 - 52664 bytes - e00ed7ef - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\System32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x70990000 - 112640 bytes - c3bedcd4 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL, loaded at 0x709c0000 - 1258256 bytes - d7331e61 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x70b00000 - 215040 bytes - 779f8449 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, loaded at 0x70b40000 - 166304 bytes - 38335cb6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MMDevAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x70b70000 - 421496 bytes - 6d4d3f93 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x70be0000 - 74240 bytes - fcbd73d6 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x70c00000 - 198656 bytes - de358430 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70c40000 - 268080 bytes - 945c5d9a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x70c90000 - 493056 bytes - 59a065c9 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x70d10000 - 109056 bytes - 938e0203 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement.dll, loaded at 0x70d30000 - 186880 bytes - 133d8e5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll, loaded at 0x70d70000 - 594464 bytes - 655a8962 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZUNIONUTILS.DLL, loaded at 0x718b0000 - 132096 bytes - 617d9a12 - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, loaded at 0x718e0000 - 171008 bytes - 53cafabe - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZMOUSEFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x71920000 - 119808 bytes - 617d99e7 - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBINKFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x71950000 - 1924608 bytes - 61617e28 - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZPARSEREXTENDER.DLL, loaded at 0x71b30000 - 828416 bytes - 61b50024 - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, loaded at 0x71c00000 - 791808 bytes - 1af491e8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\inputhost.dll, loaded at 0x71cd0000 - 967912 bytes - 6e8580b5 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ASMCL.DLL, loaded at 0x71dc0000 - 422400 bytes - 6165f490 - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x71e30000 - 388096 bytes - 7b06e18d - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x71ea0000 - 787120 bytes - d7832f27 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x71f70000 - 1625376 bytes - 8056a5dd - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 774808 bytes - 580f7bc6 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP100.dll, loaded at 0x721c0000 - 422040 bytes - 580f7bf5 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 457216 bytes - 6179ab06 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\SHW32.DLL, loaded at 0x722b0000 - 4364800 bytes - 61785216 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x726e0000 - 2269976 bytes - a2866597 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:22 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x72940000 - 18944 bytes - 7e95d989 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBRIGHTLIGHT.DLL, loaded at 0x72950000 - 115200 bytes - 61d48b9b - file date is 1/6/2022 10:20:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x72970000 - 527360 bytes - 2f5ae381 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, loaded at 0x72a60000 - 1678848 bytes - c40b400f - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\netutils.dll, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 37176 bytes - 39327589 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 135680 bytes - c38b8152 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.19041.1110_none_c0da534e38c01f4d\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x72ce0000 - 568144 bytes - 00158daf - file date is 10/5/2021 19:22:36 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72d70000 - 449024 bytes - d3b1a20d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AcGenral.DLL, loaded at 0x72df0000 - 2403328 bytes - 5e85197e - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll, loaded at 0x73050000 - 896088 bytes - 6ddd8ff0 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll, loaded at 0x73130000 - 2621720 bytes - ff733337 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll, loaded at 0x73810000 - 152904 bytes - 19d7165a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll, loaded at 0x73950000 - 76952 bytes - b631a97f - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll, loaded at 0x73970000 - 639488 bytes - 1a613b1c - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 23552 bytes - b935ad72 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, loaded at 0x73ab0000 - 27336 bytes - b1fdd583 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll, loaded at 0x73ac0000 - 110720 bytes - b79490f5 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll, loaded at 0x73ae0000 - 93488 bytes - a89ab7d9 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x73b00000 - 138936 bytes - f75275e2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x73b60000 - 1494016 bytes - 12e622bc - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x73cf0000 - 149272 bytes - 2fa5fc7b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll, loaded at 0x73f30000 - 6374608 bytes - 3719a292 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:08 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x74570000 - 27320 bytes - a88950a6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll, loaded at 0x745a0000 - 47472 bytes - fdb58e8b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\System32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x745c0000 - 20328 bytes - 17a297aa - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x745e0000 - 41472 bytes - 2797994e - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x745f0000 - 16384 bytes - 4e127638 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ColorAdapterClient.dll, loaded at 0x74600000 - 45904 bytes - bf27e0fb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll, loaded at 0x74610000 - 630592 bytes - 47a87b76 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x746b0000 - 50616 bytes - 762196ad - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 455168 bytes - a678d594 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x748a0000 - 11776 bytes - 70504b8d - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x748b0000 - 93472 bytes - 2796f4d0 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\samcli.dll, loaded at 0x748d0000 - 70144 bytes - f8b274dc - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll, loaded at 0x748f0000 - 753568 bytes - d3579af1 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\TextShaping.dll, loaded at 0x749b0000 - 611960 bytes - 88344ed8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll, loaded at 0x74b20000 - 146648 bytes - d5cc7b11 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\x86\aswhook.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 62032 bytes - 61b0b367 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:36:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll, loaded at 0x74bf0000 - 123480 bytes - 71920c11 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x74ca0000 - 52672 bytes - 3d49eb55 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:22 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, loaded at 0x74cf0000 - 141008 bytes - c7a6e70a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x74d30000 - 861480 bytes - 5eacc70c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x74e90000 - 96032 bytes - 90303bd4 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x74eb0000 - 489656 bytes - 53524f65 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, loaded at 0x74fd0000 - 2181712 bytes - 2791d798 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:00 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x751f0000 - 475688 bytes - dacc03c0 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, loaded at 0x75320000 - 547480 bytes - 8bc7ef47 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, loaded at 0x753b0000 - 1181208 bytes - 82dc99a2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x754d0000 - 606888 bytes - fc8f0d5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x75570000 - 289200 bytes - 1ded95e6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x755c0000 - 1013344 bytes - a1fbb410 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x756c0000 - 140976 bytes - 5a9c433e - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x756f0000 - 397728 bytes - f9ac0921 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75760000 - 926560 bytes - 5328ad2f - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75850000 - 236536 bytes - 9e900b8d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x758a0000 - 775256 bytes - 7f567a50 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, loaded at 0x75960000 - 640824 bytes - 56b90d14 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:10 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, loaded at 0x75a50000 - 495840 bytes - fd524452 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x75c40000 - 275808 bytes - 4e6046ea - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x75c90000 - 6013088 bytes - 971ed36c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x76250000 - 1695128 bytes - 9ff71609 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, loaded at 0x763f0000 - 2637712 bytes - f1a7c19a - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, loaded at 0x76680000 - 383264 bytes - 9dd613f6 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:54:58 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x766e0000 - 781432 bytes - f4e07a96 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x767a0000 - 504552 bytes - 93379433 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76820000 - 143056 bytes - 39046a45 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x768b0000 - 4466160 bytes - 3015a530 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, loaded at 0x76cf0000 - 901792 bytes - c40e0e31 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, loaded at 0x76e30000 - 92944 bytes - 55cf9768 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76e50000 - 17016 bytes - fac4c2cb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x76e70000 - 1696752 bytes - 027db076 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 //===================================================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== Gothic2.exe caused a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Gothic2.exe at 0023:0079249D, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) EAX=2DDA4FFD EBX=00000000 ECX=00AB4118 EDX=1BC814CA ESI=00AB4118 EDI=00AB4108 EBP=00AB40C0 ESP=0135F2CC EIP=0079249D FLG=00010202 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B //===================== INFOS ========================= Gothic II - 2.6 (fix), Parser Version: 50 User: Lenovo, CPUType: 586, Mem: 0 MB total, 0 MB free //====================== CALLSTACK ======================== 0023:0079249D (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2877 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1405+40 byte(s) 0023:00792504 (0x000012AA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00001593 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0000447A 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00004785 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00012707 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013AED 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013BCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00013DCA 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0001450F 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00021823 0x00AB4108 0x00000000 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x0002370B 0x1F53C624 0x00AB4118 0x00AB40C0) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792504 (0x00023A96 0x00009602 0x0082E6F0 0x08A60F58) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 0023:00792CBF (0x00AB40C0 0x00009602 0x008316D4 0x2E694580) Gothic2.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+719 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1551 0023:006C20BF (0x00000000 0x0000000D 0x0135F9D0 0x00000000) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::CallScriptInit()+351 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 886 0023:006C6D9F (0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000001 0x0082E6F0 0x0135FBE4) Gothic2.exe, oCGame::LoadSavegame()+1487 byte(s), P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_ulf\oGame.cpp, line 2274 0023:723076AD (0x00000000 0x006C1C5E 0x089DF9D0 0x0042A282) SHW32.DLL, UnionCore::CUnion::DefineCRTVersion()+3949 byte(s) 0023:007E8E48 (0x0044FFF0 0x00423E50 0x00423F90 0x00450000) Gothic2.exe, SetFileAttributesA()+21124 byte(s) 0023:00424010 (0x005ABDD0 0x0076FB80 0x005ABB30 0x0076FBE0) Gothic2.exe, oCGameInfo::Init, P:\dev\g2addon\release\Gothic\_bert\oGameInfo.cpp, line 67 0023:005AB940 (0x005ABDD0 0x005ABE30 0x005ABB30 0x00426C90) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 0023:005AB940 (0x004DB910 0x723082D0 0x004DCCD0 0x004DC1C0) Gothic2.exe, zCObjectFactory::CreateZFile, P:\dev\g2addon\release\ZenGin\_dieter\zObject.cpp, line 784 //===================================================== //===================== MODULES ======================= Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times: C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x00170000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\Gothic2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 9038140 bytes - 3f966d87 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\igdumd32.dll, loaded at 0x115d0000 - 11330576 bytes - 573dfb43 - file date is 3/9/2017 00:17:08 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 370688 bytes - 3e767330 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:38 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 375808 bytes - 3e9e0f4d - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\Windows\System32\dmband.dll, loaded at 0x70620000 - 33792 bytes - 42348e31 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmstyle.dll, loaded at 0x70630000 - 117760 bytes - b0e20d43 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x70660000 - 25600 bytes - 57fa923e - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:30 C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x70670000 - 1634208 bytes - bd2819db - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll, loaded at 0x70800000 - 468440 bytes - bcc151da - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll, loaded at 0x70880000 - 998352 bytes - 05b3f1f6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\resourcepolicyclient.dll, loaded at 0x70980000 - 52664 bytes - e00ed7ef - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\System32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x70990000 - 112640 bytes - c3bedcd4 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x709c0000 - 18944 bytes - 7e95d989 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x709d0000 - 23552 bytes - b935ad72 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL, loaded at 0x709e0000 - 1258256 bytes - d7331e61 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, loaded at 0x70b20000 - 27336 bytes - b1fdd583 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x70b30000 - 215040 bytes - 779f8449 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, loaded at 0x70b70000 - 166304 bytes - 38335cb6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MMDevAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x70ba0000 - 421496 bytes - 6d4d3f93 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x70c10000 - 74240 bytes - fcbd73d6 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x70c30000 - 198656 bytes - de358430 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70c70000 - 268080 bytes - 945c5d9a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x70cc0000 - 493056 bytes - 59a065c9 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x70d40000 - 109056 bytes - 938e0203 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement.dll, loaded at 0x70d60000 - 186880 bytes - 133d8e5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll, loaded at 0x70da0000 - 594464 bytes - 655a8962 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 9/19/2005 10:55:36 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZUNIONUTILS.DLL, loaded at 0x718e0000 - 132096 bytes - 617d9a12 - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:40 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, loaded at 0x71910000 - 171008 bytes - 53cafabe - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBINKFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x71950000 - 1924608 bytes - 61617e28 - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:40 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZPARSEREXTENDER.DLL, loaded at 0x71b30000 - 828416 bytes - 61b50024 - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:40 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll, loaded at 0x71c00000 - 791808 bytes - 1af491e8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\inputhost.dll, loaded at 0x71cd0000 - 967912 bytes - 6e8580b5 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ASMCL.DLL, loaded at 0x71dc0000 - 422400 bytes - 6165f490 - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:38 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x71e30000 - 388096 bytes - 7b06e18d - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x71ea0000 - 787120 bytes - d7832f27 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x71f70000 - 1625376 bytes - 8056a5dd - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCR100.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 774808 bytes - 580f7bc6 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP100.dll, loaded at 0x721c0000 - 422040 bytes - 580f7bf5 - file date is 11/3/2016 09:53:24 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\vdfs32g.dll, loaded at 0x72230000 - 457216 bytes - 6179ab06 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Games\JoWooD\Gothic II\System\SHW32.DLL, loaded at 0x722b0000 - 4364800 bytes - 61785216 - file date is 1/5/2022 09:33:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x726e0000 - 2269976 bytes - a2866597 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:22 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZMOUSEFIX.DLL, loaded at 0x72940000 - 119808 bytes - 617d99e7 - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:40 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x72970000 - 527360 bytes - 2f5ae381 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll, loaded at 0x72a60000 - 1678848 bytes - c40b400f - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\netutils.dll, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 37176 bytes - 39327589 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 135680 bytes - c38b8152 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.19041.1110_none_c0da534e38c01f4d\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x72ce0000 - 568144 bytes - 00158daf - file date is 10/5/2021 19:22:36 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x72d70000 - 449024 bytes - d3b1a20d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AcGenral.DLL, loaded at 0x72df0000 - 2403328 bytes - 5e85197e - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:30 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll, loaded at 0x73050000 - 896088 bytes - 6ddd8ff0 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll, loaded at 0x73130000 - 2621720 bytes - ff733337 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll, loaded at 0x73810000 - 152904 bytes - 19d7165a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\GAMES\JOWOOD\GOTHIC II\DATA\$TEMPLATES$\ZBRIGHTLIGHT.DLL, loaded at 0x73950000 - 115200 bytes - 61d48b9b - file date is 1/6/2022 11:29:38 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll, loaded at 0x73970000 - 639488 bytes - 1a613b1c - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 76952 bytes - b631a97f - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmmbase.dll, loaded at 0x73aa0000 - 110720 bytes - b79490f5 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll, loaded at 0x73ac0000 - 93488 bytes - a89ab7d9 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x73ae0000 - 138936 bytes - f75275e2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x73b10000 - 93472 bytes - 2796f4d0 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x73b60000 - 1494016 bytes - 12e622bc - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UMPDC.dll, loaded at 0x73cf0000 - 47472 bytes - fdb58e8b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:24 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\samcli.dll, loaded at 0x73d00000 - 70144 bytes - f8b274dc - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\windows.storage.dll, loaded at 0x73f30000 - 6374608 bytes - 3719a292 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:08 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x74570000 - 27320 bytes - a88950a6 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:32 C:\Windows\System32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x745a0000 - 20328 bytes - 17a297aa - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:12 C:\Windows\System32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x745c0000 - 41472 bytes - 2797994e - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:58 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ColorAdapterClient.dll, loaded at 0x745e0000 - 45904 bytes - bf27e0fb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:20 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll, loaded at 0x745f0000 - 753568 bytes - d3579af1 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x746b0000 - 50616 bytes - 762196ad - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll, loaded at 0x746d0000 - 455168 bytes - a678d594 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:12 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x748a0000 - 11776 bytes - 70504b8d - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreMessaging.dll, loaded at 0x748b0000 - 630592 bytes - 47a87b76 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\TextShaping.dll, loaded at 0x74950000 - 611960 bytes - 88344ed8 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x74ae0000 - 149272 bytes - 2fa5fc7b - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x74b10000 - 16384 bytes - 4e127638 - file date is 12/7/2019 10:09:16 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Wldp.dll, loaded at 0x74b20000 - 146648 bytes - d5cc7b11 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\x86\aswhook.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 62032 bytes - 61b0b367 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:36:32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll, loaded at 0x74bf0000 - 123480 bytes - 71920c11 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x74ca0000 - 52672 bytes - 3d49eb55 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:22 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, loaded at 0x74cf0000 - 141008 bytes - c7a6e70a - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x74d30000 - 861480 bytes - 5eacc70c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x74e90000 - 96032 bytes - 90303bd4 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x74eb0000 - 489656 bytes - 53524f65 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll, loaded at 0x74fd0000 - 2181712 bytes - 2791d798 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:00 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x751f0000 - 475688 bytes - dacc03c0 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:06 C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll, loaded at 0x75320000 - 547480 bytes - 8bc7ef47 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll, loaded at 0x753b0000 - 1181208 bytes - 82dc99a2 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x754d0000 - 606888 bytes - fc8f0d5b - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x75570000 - 289200 bytes - 1ded95e6 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:18 C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x755c0000 - 1013344 bytes - a1fbb410 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x756c0000 - 140976 bytes - 5a9c433e - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:16 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x756f0000 - 397728 bytes - f9ac0921 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75760000 - 926560 bytes - 5328ad2f - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75850000 - 236536 bytes - 9e900b8d - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:20 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x758a0000 - 775256 bytes - 7f567a50 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:14 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL, loaded at 0x75960000 - 640824 bytes - 56b90d14 - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:10 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll, loaded at 0x75a50000 - 495840 bytes - fd524452 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x75c40000 - 275808 bytes - 4e6046ea - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x75c90000 - 6013088 bytes - 971ed36c - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x76250000 - 1695128 bytes - 9ff71609 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll, loaded at 0x763f0000 - 2637712 bytes - f1a7c19a - file date is 11/16/2021 09:09:16 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, loaded at 0x76680000 - 383264 bytes - 9dd613f6 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:54:58 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x766e0000 - 781432 bytes - f4e07a96 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x767a0000 - 504552 bytes - 93379433 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x76820000 - 143056 bytes - 39046a45 - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:28 C:\Windows\System32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x768b0000 - 4466160 bytes - 3015a530 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:24 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll, loaded at 0x76cf0000 - 901792 bytes - c40e0e31 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll, loaded at 0x76e30000 - 92944 bytes - 55cf9768 - file date is 1/2/2022 14:55:10 C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76e50000 - 17016 bytes - fac4c2cb - file date is 4/9/2021 14:49:26 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x76e70000 - 1696752 bytes - 027db076 - file date is 10/21/2021 17:50:10 //=====================================================
06.01.2022, 12:54:38
Nie mam problemu, gram wszystkie mody z tą wtyczką, ponieważ nie lubię DX11.
Może Wersja Union jest stara? Rzeczywista 1.0l Sprawdź także, jakie wartości są warte systempack.ini [GAME] SaveDATinASCII = 0 SaveGameToASCII = 0
06.01.2022, 13:06:39
Wersja "l" instalowana z menedżera zasobów. Wtyczka też z niego, a te wartości obie mam ustawione na zero.
No nic, pogram jeszcze z nią i zobaczę jak to wszystko będzie się dalej zachowywać. Przerzuciłem się z tym modem na laptopa i crashe już nie występują, także problem nie jest we wtyczce, a najpewniej w jakimś komponencie systemu operacyjnego, może w bibliotekach C++. Z resztą wcześniej, czy wtyczka była włączona, wyłączona, czy nie było jej wcale, to błędy i tak się pojawiały. Sama wtyczka bardzo fajna - taka namiastka Dx11, konfigurowalna z poziomu menu i nawet jest w polskim języku.
09.01.2022, 07:12:05
09.01.2022, 09:14:27
Dzięki. Zrobiłem sobie kopię na dysku.
Jakby ktoś miał zamiar grać w Dirty Swamp, to zauważyłem, że koniecznie trzeba ustawić InteractionCollision = 0 w pliku systempack.ini. Bez tego ustawienia przelatuje się przez sufit podczas spania na skórze w wiosce tubylców i źle działają drabiny - wchodzi się normalnie, ale jak schodzimy, to od razu znajdujemy się zabugowani na dole i trzeba wyciągnąć broń żeby się odczepić. Pewnie dotyczy to też innych modów. Ma ktoś może jakąś czcionkę na podmianę do Gothic 2 w vdf? Najlepiej jakby była większa od tej standardowej i jaśniejsza. O "Gothic High Resolution FONT" wiem, ale chciałbym sprawdzić też inne. N1kX może Ty coś tam masz w swoich zasobach? Albo mógłbyś podpowiedzieć mi jakiś plugin albo ustawienia, gdzie mógłbym to sobie skonfigurować po swojemu. Chciałbym żeby np w takich sytuacjach: https://imgur.com/w95fMsS napis był jednak troche bardziej widoczny. W grze, to wygląda jeszcze bardziej nieczytelne niż na tym foto. Cytat:Erwin Cytat:N1kX Widocznie nie ma takiego, co chciałby się tym zająć. Spolszczenie powstało dosyć dawno i wątpię żeby team, który się nim zajmował jeszcze istniał. |
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